Latitude Consulting, Inc.

FileNet Document Export, Conversion and Migration Utilities and Services

Perform bulk exports of documents from your FileNet system using Latitude Consulting's Document Export Utilities. Our utilities let you do bulk extractions of documents, transferring the documents to disk files. They are ideal when migrating off of a FileNet system, but can also be used for periodic document transfers. Document content, metadata, annotations and security information are extracted from the FileNet system and written to disk files where they can be read and processed by other applications or migrated to another system.

  • Exports document content, metadata, annotations and security to disk files
  • Converts FileNet COLD documents to TIFF or Text format
  • Converts most FileNet proprietary document formats to standard formats
  • Single-page/multi-page TIFF format conversion, TIFF compression conversion
  • Most P8 Content Engine, Images Services and Content Services configurations are supported
  • Available as a contracted service or license the tools and do the export yourself

Latitude Consulting's Document Export Utilities is a set of utility programs that installs on your equipment. Exports are done at your site. Your data never leaves your control.



The Latitude Consulting Document Export Utilities extract both document content and document metadata from the IBM FileNet system and stores them into disk files. Any text contained in annotations is exported. COLD documents are exported both in their native format and also converted to text. Optionally, COLD documents can be converted to TIFF, with or without a background image. Most documents in FileNet proprietary formats can be converted to standard formats. TIFF documents can be broken into single-page TIFFs or combined into multi-page TIFFs.

Exports can be done in stages; if new documents are added to the system after the export is complete, those new documents can be selectively exported.

Contract with us to perform the export or license the utilities and perform the export yourself. Utility licenses include consulting and support services needed to insure that your export is successful.

If needed we can make customizations to adapt the export utility to your needs.


Supported FileNet Systems

Latitude Consulting's Export Utilities support the following FileNet Systems:

  • P8 Content Engine systems (Content Manager, CPE) - Version 4.0 and later
  • Image Services systems (Image Manager, IS) - Version 3.5 and later
  • Content Services systems (CS, DS) - most versions

Export Options

Latitude Consulting's Export Utilities provides the following export options:

  • Select documents to be extracted by Document Class and range of Document ID numbers, or document selection can be done by providing a list of target document ID numbers in a file
  • Documents may be filtered by an "Additional Selection Criteria" in the form of a SQL expression
  • Options allow for the exporting of documents, index values or both
  • Annotation text may be exported
  • Numeric and Menu type fields may be exported, formatted or unformatted
  • Folders documents are filed in may be exported
  • Compound document links (CS/DS systems only) may optionally be exported

Output Format

Latitude Consulting's Export Utilities places exported documents in disk files within a Windows compatible file system. For each document extracted, the following files are created:

  • One file containing the indexing information for the document. User defined and system index fields are exported
  • One file for each page in the exported document. FileNet Banded images are converted to TIFFs. All other page types are exported in their original format
  • COLD documents are written in their native format, plus optionally written to a separate file in text format
  • The text of any annotations may optionally written to a file
  • Log files are created showing all activity and any errors

Additional Conversion Options

In addition to the standard output files described above, additional conversions and reformatting can be performed. These additional conversion options are provided in order to present the extracted documents in a more usable format. The available conversion options are:

  • Index information originally stored in a separate text file for each document is combined into a single file in XML, HTML or delimited format
  • Documents that consist of multiple single-page TIFFs can be combined into a single multi-page TIFF or documents that are multi-page TIFFs can be broken into individual files
  • TIFFs can be re-compressed; Group 3 compressed TIFFS can be re-compressed as Group 4, Old Style JPEG compressed TIFFs can be re-compressed into a modern format, etc
  • Documents that are in FileNet's COLD format may be converted into TIFF or text formats. When COLD documents are converted to text format, background images, if any, will not be included. When COLD documents are converted into TIFF images, text and background image, if any, are combined together into a TIFF image. Multiple pages can be combined together into a single multi-page TIFF
  • The file extension of the documents will be changed back to an extension appropriate for the type of document, (.tif, .pdf, .doc, etc.). TIFF, pdf, and COLD documents are recognized by an internal examination of the file. The extensions selected for all other file types are based on the Mime Type stored in FileNet for that document
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